It’s official: 2024 is the hottest summer on record for Greece! Confirmation came in the form of preliminary data for July released this week by the Meto research unit, part of the National Observatory of Athens.

Last month was revealed to be the hottest since scientists began recording daily temperatures.

Moreover, according to Meteo, the three hottest months recorded over the past 80 years in Greece were all within the last four years.

Having analyzed and compared the daily average temperatures in various parts of the country for each day in July between 1960 and 2024, the Meteo research unit was able to announce that the median temperature in Greece for July 2024 was 2.9 degrees Centigrade higher than the average for 1990-2020. The figure for July was 0.3 degrees C higher than the previous record holder for “hottest” July, which was in 2012.