In Case You Missed It – A News Wrap-Up

Catch up on the most important events in Greece from the day before with To Vima English Edition's News Wrap-up

Yesterday’s News Wrap-up includes the following:

The figures indicated that the estimated savings as a percentage of disposable income for Greeks dipped from -4.9% in 2021 to -11.3% in 2022, compelling Greeks to tap into their income to make ends meet. It is worth noting that the inability of Greek households to save in 2022 was similar to 2010 (-4.1%) when the negative effects of the 2010 economic crisis started to be felt.

His proposal involves returning the Marbles to Athens and showcasing them at the Acropolis Museum, marking the first time they were in Greece since the early 1800s when they were seized by Lord Elgin.

In the statement, the ex-President of New Democracy (ND) calls on the government to withdraw the amendment and reconsider the entire issue, labelling the amendment regarding “illegal immigrants” as “clearly misguided” and deems the sudden introduction of a regulation granting a “new type of residence permit for work to third-country nationals” as surprising.

According to an announcement issued by Greek police, the DNA belongs to a teen, 16, who was one of 424 people detained after the incident some 500 meters from a venue where a top-flight men’s volleyball game was taking place in the near-Piraeus district of Renti.

Always stay up to date with To Vima English Edition’s News Wrap-up.

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