In Case you Missed it – A News Wrap-up

Catch up on the most important events in Greece from the day before with To Vima English Edition's News Wrap-up

In Case you Missed it – A News Wrap-up

Yesterday’s News Wrap-up includes the following:

The lowest charge in the green tariff has been announced by the state-run Public Power Corp. (PPC) at €0.13635 per kWh for monthly consumption up to 500 kWh. PPC is the dominant power provider in the country. The listed utility was the sole power monopoly in the country, from production to transmission, to retail, wholesale and industrial provider.

Approximately 70% of these audits will cover the last five years, and at least 75% will focus on the last three years after the income tax declaration deadline has expired.

This achievement marked the culmination of a robust financial year for the Greek market, which managed to carve a prominent place on the world stage, despite a slowdown in performance during the last five months, the German multinational notes, adding that ATHEX presents investors with numerous challenges and opportunities.

Flying Ofc. Chrysanthi Nikolopoulou is one of those women, who is a trailblazer in this respect, as she is the first Greek woman to pilot an F-16 fighter of the Hellenic Air Force (HAF).

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