Yesterday’s News Wrap-up includes the following:

Athenians are ranked among the least satisfied compared to employees in other large European cities when it comes to their salary, according to Euronews Business, which analyzed a series of indicators that determine a “satisfactory remuneration package.”

Job vacancies in Greece surged by 58.8% in the second quarter of 2024, according to data released by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT). This sharp increase highlights a pressing issue for the Greek economy regarding labor shortages.

In a joint Ministerial press conference on Thursday morning coordinated by government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis, the Ministers of Social Cohesion & Family, Employment, and Education & Religious Affairs, specified a series of measures to support low-income families, unemployment benefits in Greece, and pensions, announced by Greek PM Kyriakos during his TIF address last week.

The new 25-year concession agreement for Attiki Odos has been signed by the relevant ministers of National Economy and Finance, and Infrastructure and Transport with the contract granting the concession to the GEK TERNA Group, marking a significant step in the management and development of one of Greece’s major road networks.

Arelative silence on the part of one of the three national stakeholders of the high-profile Great Sea Interconnector (GS) project, Israel in this case, over difficulties to mend differences between the regulatory authorities of Greece and Cyprus emphatically ended on Thursday with a statement by Israeli Energy Minister Eli Cohen.

Always stay up to date with To Vima’ English Edition’s News Wrap-up.