Yesterday’s News Wrap-up includes the following:

Arecent analysis by the ENA Institute regarding healthcare coverage in the European Union reveals that while public healthcare systems exist across all EU countries, citizens often struggle to meet their healthcare needs, with Greeks being in a worse position compared to other Europeans, as the healthcare in Greece is facing serious challenges.

To keep its readers current, To Vima English continues its weekly video news series covering the major stories from Greece of the previous week. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay in the loop.

If you ask a random traveler anywhere in the world to name a Greek food or product, you’re bound to get an answer and a smile. Yes, Greek cuisine has managed to conquer the globe thanks in large part to Greeks who emigrated to far off places like the US and Australia. And yet, while Greek food is probably the most recognizable brand after the Acropolis, Mykonos and Santorini, Greece is still struggling to establish itself as a food tourism destination.

The Chief Executive Officer of the National Bank of Greece (NBG), Pavlos Mylonas, underlined the significant strides the country had made in renewable energy sources (RES), highlighting the leading role NBG had played in funding such projects.

Always stay up to date with To Vima’ English Edition’s News Wrap-up.