Hydra: Naked and Decaying Body of Man Found in Sea

The body was found in the northeast area of "Zourvas" by a professional fisherman

The naked and decaying body of a man was found this morning in the waters off the northeast coast of the island of Hydra.

The body was discovered by a professional fisherman in the marine area of Zourvas, who quickly sounded the alarm and alerted the authorities.  A patrol boat from the port authorities went to the area, along with a private diver and a support vessel.

The body was collected and then the vessel transported it to the port of Metochi, Argolis, which is located on the Peloponnese, accompanied by the port authority.

A preliminary investigation is being carried out by the Hydra Port Authority, while the body is to be transferred to the forensic service of Piraeus for a necropsy.

Hydra is a popular tourist island located between the Saronic and Argolic Gulf off the coast of the Peloponnese. It is easily accessible from Athens by ferry and is a favorite of Greek tourists looking for an undeveloped island and day trippers.

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