How the Greek Presidential Guard Endures Extreme Heat

Army NCOs are required to standby for the needs of the Evzone Guard

Even though the temperatures are rising in Athens, Greece’s Presidential Guard, known as Evzones, are required to maintain their posts – and their distinct kilt-like uniforms- in the scorching sun by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, located in front of Parliament on Syntagma Square, and the Presidential Mansion, roughly half a kilometer away.

Evzones are an elite ceremonial unit of the Presidential Guard, formerly a light infantry unit used as shock troops, which wears a uniform inspired by the dress of warriors before and during the Greek Revolution of 1821. And their uniform is known for being heavy and warm.

Just this past weekend thermal cameras at Syntagma Square registered a sweltering 60 degrees Celsius on the pavement, with the guard houses used by the Evzones showing similar temperatures.

Presidential Guard

Meeting of the President of Greece Prokopis Pavlopoulos with his Indian counterpart Ram Nath Kovind, in Athens, on June 18, 2017 / Συνάντηση του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας Προκόπη Παυλόπουλο με τον Ινδό ομόλογό του Ram Nath Kovind στην Αθήνα, στις 18 Ιουνίου, 2018

Even the pom-poms of the shoes of the Evzones came in between 60-70 degrees Celsius, begging the question how they can possibly withstand the heat, motionless, for so many hours, as required by their post.

TO VIMA explains that the Hellenic Army is required to ensure their health, through the heat and cold.

Extra attention is given to their food, while they are allowed to stay in the guard house for longer hours, out of the sun. Additionally, a physician is on standby.

Additionally, a senior Evzone and army NCO is stationed by their side as an observer to wipe sweat from their brow, monitor their health and provide water if necessary.

In the event that an Evzone feels unwell, they have been instructed to strike their rifle to alert the observer to attend to their needs.

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