High Court Prosecutor Calls For Legal Action Over Water Scarcity Violations

The head of the Supreme Court chief prosecutor's office requested calls on judicial officials to proceed with indictments swiftly and enforce relevant laws

A growing problem of water scarcity in Greece was highlighted on Wednesday by Supreme Court Chief Prosecutor Georgia Adeilini, who urged the country’s prosecutors to remain vigilant 0ver possible violations of relevant water management and waste legislation, in an urgent circular issued by her office.

The chief prosecutor sounded the alarm about the pressing issue of water scarcity in the country, noting it was one of the most serious environmental problems facing Greece,  and part of the global climate crisis.

In the letter, she called on subordinate judicial officers to proceed with necessary indictments swiftly and enforce the law when they deemed it was being breached.

In the circular, Adeilini called on colleagues to prosecute illegal and unchecked water drilling for irrigation purposes – compared to legal water extraction.

According to the circular, the chief prosecutor notes that “in order to prevent anyone, from saying that ‘in our country, we waste water,’ it is necessary, besides the obvious vigilance of the competent authorities with intensified inspections in all directions—such as the boreholes of industries, farmers, hotels, and all types of other businesses—there must also be the involvement of the Prosecutor’s Offices throughout the country to ensure, within the scope of our authority, the most rational management possible of the nation’s water resources.”

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