Very hot temperatures and arid conditions are forecast for much of Greece throughout the week and lasting until Friday, meaning that the highest risk for wildfires will apply to seven regions in the country.

Specifically, the prefectures of Attica (the greater Athens area), Viotia (Boeotia), large Evia island along the eastern mainland, Argolida and Ilia prefectures, along with the eastern Aegean islands of Lesbos, Chios and Psara and large Crete are in the “red zone”.

A bevy of prefectures, in the north and south of the country, are at risk 4 for wildfires. The border prefectures Rhodopi and Evros are in the very high-risk index.

The worst wildfire in the country, as of Monday, in fact, was blazing at the Kyriaki site in Evros, with a large fire-fighting contingent operating in the area. Eleven aircraft had also participated in fire-fighting efforts before dusk.