Some women have a deep-rooted “thing” for men in uniforms, be they police officers or firefighters. But the impulsive actions of a Greek woman “burning” with desire for firefighters landed her in jail for two months. The 44-year-old woman from Tripoli, a city in the central part of the Peloponnese in Greece, should consider herself lucky as the local court gave her a 3-year suspended sentence.

The “fiery” Greek woman was arrested yesterday in Tripoli for repeatedly and intentionally starting two fires on agricultural land, as reports suggest she set the fires “because she liked watching firefighters and tried to flirt with them.” Additionally, she will serve two months in prison and was fined €1,000.

Experts believe the sense of confidence and the aura of danger projected by uniformed men are key aspects that attract the opposite sex.

Meanwhile, Greek authorities also arrested a 51-year-old man for repeatedly and intentionally starting three fires on agricultural land in the municipality of Doxato, Drama, in Macedonia.

The man was sentenced to 15 months in prison and will serve three months while he was also fined €1,400.

The aforementioned fires burned small areas, but firefighting forces managed to contain them before they could become more dangerous.

Greece recently suffered extensive fires in the region of Attica, with one hundred thousand hectares of forest and farmland burned to ashes, while hundreds of residences and businesses were also either destroyed completely or partly damaged.

The Greek government announced a series of relief measures for the fire-stricken citizens, including financial packages and zero-interest loans.