A recent Revolut study highlights that nearly half of Greek travelers, specifically 47%, are deeply concerned about their luggage being stolen, damaged, or lost while traveling. This anxiety is more pronounced among women, with 50% expressing worry compared to 41% of men. Despite gender differences, this remains the top travel fear for both groups.

The study identifies severe weather conditions and natural disasters, such as storms and fires, as the second major concern for Greek travelers, with 41% fearing these events could ruin their vacations.

The third biggest worry involves rental fraud, where accommodations paid for in advance either don’t match their listings or don’t exist at all. Approximately 33% of Greeks are apprehensive about such scams, with a notable distinction between demographics: 34% of women versus 31% of men, and 45% of younger Greeks aged 25-34 compared to 26% of those over 55.

Additionally, 28% worry that their insurance might fail to cover them in case of an accident or illness.

In contrast, flight cancellations or delays are a relatively minor concern, affecting only 21% of Greeks. Worries about losing their card and having their account drained by fraudsters also rank low, with 21% expressing these fears.

Interestingly, 9% of Greeks view travel as an adventure and are not worried about these issues at all, mostly comprising men (10%) and seniors over 65 (15%).

The study also sheds light on connectivity issues faced by Greek travelers abroad. Many reported experiencing slow or limited data transfer speeds during their vacations (12%) or business trips (3%), and 8% lost GPS signal while on vacation, with 2% encountering the same problem during business travel.

Additionally, 11% of Greeks noted that using their phone or internet abroad resulted in significant costs.