A WWII-era landmine was neutralized via a controlled explosion on Thursday morning just off the popular Kavouri beach, in southeast Athens. A Hellenic Navy bomb disposal unit arrived at the scene to neutralize the device.

According to reports, the object was not a maritime mine but a submerged landmine.

Divers of the Greek navy unit were dispatched to the area after authorities were notified by a bather who spotted the object. Before authorities could go forward with the detonation, a section of Kavouri avenue was closed off to the public. The mine was neutralized shortly thereafter as the divers conducted a controlled detonation.

The discovery of a mine in the area comes after the removal of another WWII-era mine found in the nearby district of Elliniko-Argyroupoli this April.

The Municipality of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni issued a related statement after the discovery of the mine on Wednesday evening, warning beach-goers to avoid the specific beach on the so-called “Athens Riviera”.

Traffic in the cordoned off section and was later restored following the successful operation.