Greek Medicine Regulatory Body Warns Against Heart Product

The product does not have marketing authorization as a medicine by the Greek regulatory authorities. As a result, its safety and efficacy have not been evaluated

The Greek National Organization for Medicines (EOF) has warned consumers about an unapproved product called Cardiotensive that is being promoted online.

Cardiotensine is being advertised with therapeutic indications, including the normalization of blood pressure, the treatment of thrombosis, and the treatment of arrhythmia. However, the product does not have marketing authorization as a medicine by the Greek regulatory authorities. As a result, its safety and efficacy have not been evaluated.

The EOF also noted that the websites promoting Cardiotensive are misleadingly advertising the product with “miraculous” results. Consumers are also asked to submit a completed contact form without knowing the full details of the company responsible for the product’s circulation.

The EOF is urging consumers to avoid using the unvetted product, while they also should report the Cardiotensive to the EOF immediately.

The regulatory body also emphasized that the purchase of products under the EOF’s jurisdiction from unauthorized sources, such as online stores, can pose a risk to consumer health. This is because the quality and safety of the products have not been assessed properly and thus their safety cannot be assured.

The Greek National Organization for Medicines is currently investigating the matter and is taking steps to remove Cardiotensive from the market.

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