Greek Labor Ministry Issues Recommendations for Heatwave

Among other things, the document urges employees to take breaks to reduce heat stress, perform physical activities during low temperature hours

The Greek Ministry of Labor and Social Security issued a circular with a series of recommendations and safety measures for the protection of workers against high temperatures.

Among other things, the Greek Labor Ministry document urges employees to take breaks to reduce heat stress, perform physical activities during low temperature hours, reduce or stop work in heat-intensive environments such as engine rooms, foundries, glassworks, brickworks, shipyards, etc., between the hours of 12:00-16:00.

This also applies to work like technical and construction projects, construction sites, distribution and transportation of products and items by two-wheeled vehicle, scooter, roller skates, etc. (delivery).

In workplaces, work time should be organized by scheduling enough breaks to reduce heat stress on workers.

  • Tasks involving high heat stress should be performed during off-peak temperature hours.
  • Reduce or stop work in heat-intensive environments such as engine rooms, foundries, glassworks, brickworks, shipyards, etc., between the hours of 12:00-16:00.
  • The circular also recommends appropriate coverings and protective equipment including suitable head coverings and skin protection.
  • Arrange or select shaded areas or construct suitable shelters for performing tasks, where possible.
  • Schedule tasks so that the most burdensome (e.g., asphalt paving) are done when temperatures are lower.
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