According to a recent report by Deloitte, only 12% of Greek business are currently investing in Generative AI (Gen AI), with a mere 20% planning to invest in such technology in the near future.

Gen AI refers to AI models designed to produce new original content and solve open-ended problems by performing human-like actions, something traditional AI is not able to do.

Interestingly enough, 80% companies believe that Gen AI can improve efficiency and growth in the workforce.

Moreover, according to the study, the impact of generative AI on Greece’s GDP is expected to be significant, potentially adding 5.5% (€10.7 billion) by 2030, with some estimates placing the number at 9.8%.

Notably, around 50% of this growth is expected to come from five sectors: Financial and Insurance Services, Wholesale Trade, Manufacturing, Service Provision, and Information and Communication.

Surprisingly however, even digital technology companies have yet to adjust their strategies to incorporate generative AI solutions, with only a third having already done so. Concerns regarding the lack of professionals skilled on AI is also rising.

Another study conducted by cybersecurity company Kaspersky revealed that 92% of C-suite executives in large Greek enterprises acknowledge that their employees regularly use generative AI applications (such as ChatGPT and Gemini). Four out of ten executives reported that these applications are now essential tools for completing various tasks.

Regarding company departments that can become automated through the use of such technology, marketing topped the list (34%), followed by finance (15%), communications (14%), and sales (11%). IT and cybersecurity departments ranked much lower, at just 6%.

However, 72% of respondents expressed concerns regarding potential security risks, ranging from leakage of sensitive data to the complete loss of control over company operations.

Specifically, the majority of senior executives fear that employees who use Gen AI platforms might share sensitive company (72%) and client data (71%).

Despite these concerns and plans to expand generative AI use, only 20% of respondents indicated that guidelines for using such applications have been discussed at a senior level, while almost none (1%) have banned generative AI in the workplace.