Greece’s Civil Servants Strike on Tuesday, Protest in Athens

The strike and protest is expected to disrupt public sector services and cause traffic disruptions in downtown Athens

The Confederation of Greek Civil Servants’ Trade Unions (ADEDY) has announced a 24-hour strike for Tuesday, May 21, and a protest at 11am in Athens’ city center.

Protesters will gather at 11am outside of Greece’s Ministry of Finance, which is expected to increase traffic in the capital and possible traffic regulations to come into force.

ADEDY is calling for the strike to demand the following:

  • A 10% increase in state employees’ salaries
  • Reestablishment of the Easter and Christmas bonus
  • Reestablishment of collective bargaining agreements
  • Abolition of the 2016-17 salary freeze
  • Abolition of the 2% unemployment levy
  • Increase of the tax-free allowance to €12,000
  • Increase in the allowance for those involved in “dangerous and unhealthy” jobs
  • The staffing of all critical public institutions (health, education, social services, insurance, etc.) with permanent employees
  • Upgrading of necessary infrastructure

Greece’s public health workers held a strike last week, citing many similar complaints.

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