Greece Tops EU with Oldest Car Fleet on the Road

Buses on EU roads average 12.7 years, with Romanian buses being the oldest (over 20 years) and only eight member-states having fleets younger than 10 years old

Greece has the oldest fleet of vehicles among the 28 EU member states and the UK, as well as the members of EFTA. The average age of vehicles in Greece stands at 17 years and three months, compared to the overall average of just over 12 years, according to data from the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA).

Estonia follows Greece with the second oldest fleet of vehicles, averaging 16.5 years, while Germany, the strongest EU economy, has an average car age of 10 years.

Luxembourg boasts the youngest fleet, with cars averaging seven years and six months, followed by Austria and Denmark with eight years and nine months.

Outside the EU, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the average car age is 19 years, with 60% of the fleet over 13 years old and almost 20% over 26 years old.

Light commercial vehicles in the EU have an average age of 12 years, with Italy and Spain leading in oldest fleets.

Truck fleets in the EU average 14.2 years, with Greece having the oldest (22.7 years) and Austria and Denmark the youngest (6.6 and 7.5 years), respectively.

Buses on EU roads average 12.7 years, with Romanian buses being the oldest (over 20 years) and only eight EU countries having fleets younger than 10 years old.

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