Greece Expects High Winds and Rain this Holy Week

The Holy Week, which culminates in Greek Orthodox Easter this Sunday, will unfortunately be characterized by high winds, rain and storms

This week, which is Holy Week ahead of this Sunday’s Greek Orthodox Easter, will generally by characterized by high winds, rain and storms.

Although the temperatures will rise on Monday, hitting as high as 27 degrees Celsius in some regions, the wind will be as strong as 8 Beaufort in some regions.

Rain is forecast for western and northern Greece, as well as Crete, this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Temperatures will drop on Friday and Saturday with local showers and rain forecast in western and northern Greece, particularly in mountainous areas.

On Easter Sunday, the bad weather from the western and northern parts of Greece will spread to the entire country.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection of Greece is on high alert on account of high temperatures and winds, which led to an outbreak of fires yesterday.

The Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection of Greece, Vassilis Kikilias, made a statement reminding citizens that Greece is entering fire season and neglect, as well as arson, now carry very heavy fines.

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