A family of German tourists on holiday in Greece came face to face with a gang of robbers who broke into their rented house in the village of Xilokeriza, roughly 6.4 km south of the city of Corinth in the northeast Peloponnese.

After the father noticed the threat outside the house, he immediately contacted a friend in Athens to call the police, while warning the intruders that the police were on their way.

Unperturbed by the warning, the young robbers, one reportedly only 15, brazenly taunted the man and managed to break the windows of the house using garden tools (rake, shovels, etc) they had found in a wood shed near the summer villa and the victim’s car, forcing the terrified father to give them 1,500 euros.

The perpetrators, however, were not satisfied with the loot and demanded the victim hand over any jewelry or other valuables on the premises. The violent burglars only fled when they heard the sound of police sirens approaching.

This isn’t the first incident of its kind in the area. So far police have not managed to identify and arrest suspects involved in similar past instances.

Police arrested four suspects believed to be involved in the horrifying incident, which was captured on video by one of the three children of the family, while it is thought there were more suspects involved in the attack, with authorities focusing on a nearby Roma settlement. According to the homeowner, there were more suspects involved.

The family of German tourists, who reportedly choose Greece every year for their holidays, returned to Germany, while the investigation to identify the perpetrators continues.