Greek men get married for the first time at an average age of 32.4, while Greek women tie the knot at 30.9 years old, according to the European Union’s statistical body, Eurostat.

The data revealed that the average age for first-time marriage in Europe has gone up significantly in recent decades. In the European Union, the average age at first marriage is approximately 30.7 years for women and 33.1 years for men.

The findings also showed an interesting divide between the West and East, with both men and women in the latter opting to get married for the first time at an average younger age compared to couples in Western Europe.

In almost every Western European country, men are over 30 when they decide to settle down. In Sweden (37.5), Spain (36.9), Norway (36.9), and France (36.0), the average age is over 36.

The same appears to be the case for women, as in most Western European countries, they are over or close to 30 when they marry for the first time. In Sweden (34.8), Spain (34.7), and Norway (34.1), the average age is over 34.

In eastern European countries it is different, as women get married for the first time at younger ages: Ukraine (24.9), Belarus (25.1), Turkey (25.2), and North Macedonia (26.6).

A similar pattern is observed with the men in Eastern Europe: Belarus (27.5), Turkey, Ukraine (28.0), and North Macedonia (29.5). These are the only countries in Europe where the average age of men at first marriage is below 30.

The increase in the average age of marriage in Europe can be attributed to various social, economic, and cultural factors with some key factors including Education and Career; Economic Independence; a shift in social norms regarding the acceptance of cohabitation without marriage; stability and maturity with more choosing to delay marriage until they feel more financially and mentally stable; and, a rise in life expectancy.