Eurostat: Greeks Least Satisfied in EU with Amount of Free Time

The 2022 Eurostat data also reveals that satisfaction with free time is inversely related with having children at home and higher education levels

Eurostat: Greeks Least Satisfied in EU with Amount of Free Time

A recent Eurostat report, based upon 2022 data, reveals that Greeks are the least satisfied in the European Union with the amount of free time that they have.

On an EU level, the average level of satisfaction with free time comes in at around 6.8 on a scale of 1-10, and Greeks are at just 5.5.

Now that Greeks will be starting a 6-day work week as of July 1, one could imagine that satisfaction levels will fall even lower.

Those most satisfied with their levels of free time are from Finland, Denmark and Slovenia, while Greece is at the bottom of the list, keeping company with Bulgaria and Cyprus.

The Eurostat data also captures Turkey, which has the lowest levels by far at 4.8.

Unsurprisingly, households with children tend to be less satisfied with their free time, says Eurostat.

But remarkably, there is also an inverse relationship between higher levels of education and free time, although Eurostat does not hypothesize what this is attributed to.

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