Eurobarometer Survey: EU Citizens Optimistic about Economic Prospects and Quality of Life

The survey also indicates that the majority of Europeans (47%) maintain a positive perception of the EU, with 21% expressing negativity and 30% neutrality.

European Union citizens hold a favorable outlook on both the economic conditions and the quality of life within their respective regions, as indicated by findings from the specialized Eurobarometer released by the Commission.

The latest edition of the Special Eurobarometer, conducted between Jan. 11 and Feb. 15, 2024, involved 62,091 telephone interviews across 194 regions, providing valuable insights into European citizens’ perspectives.

Over eighty-two percent (82%) express satisfaction with their region’s quality of life, while sixty-five percent (65%) view the economic situation positively.

Key challenges identified include the cost of living (31%), economic conditions, and unemployment (26%), alongside health concerns (26%).

Priorities for Europe’s future include the economy, social justice, and employment (29%), followed by climate change and the environment (24%), education, culture, youth, and sports (24%).

Additionally, democracy, values, rights, and the rule of law (21%), health (21%), EU security and defense (20%), and migration (19%) are highlighted.

The survey also indicates that the majority of Europeans (47%) maintain a positive perception of the EU, with 21% expressing negativity and 30% neutrality.

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