EU Takes Greece to Court for Failure to Update Flood Risk Plans

The European Commission is taking Greece to court for failure to update its flood risk management plans despite last year’s destruction.

The European Commission said on Wednesday that it was referring Greece to the EU Court of Justice for failure to update flood risk management plans as required under the Floods Directive.

Despite the devasting floods in Central Greece last year, authorities have still not formulated risk measures that would prepare the country against floods, particularly in view of climate change.

“Greece has so far not reviewed, adopted nor reported its flood risk management plans,” reads the decision.

Greece was notified by the Commission in February 2023 and again in November 2023 to comply with its obligations and complete the review of its plans, which it did not do.

“The Commission considers that efforts by the Greek authorities have, to date, been insufficient and is therefore referring Greece to the Court of Justice of the European Union,” it said.

The EU Floods Directive requires that member states update and report their flood risk management plans every six years with the aim of reducing and managing the risks that floods pose to human health, the environment, cultural heritage, and economic activity.

Other countries also referred for failure to comply include Cyprus, Spain, Ireland, Malta, Portugal, Bulgaria, and Slovakia.

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