Employment: Greece Ranks Last in High-Tech Job Creation

Meanwhile, Scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Finland, boasting robust knowledge-intensive sectors, are poised to maintain their leadership in the high-tech realm

Greece finds itself at the bottom of the ladder among European nations when it comes to creating high-tech job opportunities, according to analysis from Teneo. This disparity is projected to widen further over the next decade as other countries make rapid strides in their digital transitions.

Recent advancements in genetic artificial intelligence (AI) and biosciences indicate a potential acceleration in the reshaping of professional landscapes. Forecasts for the expansion of high-tech professions highlight significant variations in the pace of these transformations across different geographical regions.

Meanwhile, Scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Finland, boasting robust knowledge-intensive sectors, are poised to maintain their leadership in the high-tech realm. Similarly, certain Central and Eastern European nations such as Slovenia, Estonia, and the Czech Republic are expected to see continued growth in their high-tech sectors.

However, a recent study conducted by the Center of Planning and Economic Research indicates Greece’s significant lag in embracing digital transition initiatives. This delay has led to a rapid decrease of Greece’s competitive position compared to its European counterparts.

Consequently, the gap Greece needs to bridge is substantial, despite noteworthy efforts towards digital transformation. Hindered by both a delayed start and the impact of the pandemic, Greece’s progress towards reaching the European average in digitalization appears slower than desired.

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