Easter Bonuses: Payment Timelines and Essential Details

All private sector employees under dependent contracts, whether permanent or fixed-term, have a statutory right to receive an Easter bonus from their employer.

Easter Bonuses: Payment Timelines and Essential Details

Employers in Greece must disburse the traditional Easter bonus to their dependent employees in the private sector until May 1, Holy Wednesday, this year. This bonus, subjected to deductions for social security and income tax for salaried employees, cannot be provided in goods or services.

All private sector employees under dependent contracts, whether permanent or fixed-term, have a statutory right to receive an Easter bonus from their employer. The calculation of this bonus considers the remuneration method, whether monthly or daily, with the assessment period spanning from Jan. 1 to April 30 annually.

Hence, those employed throughout this timeframe are entitled to half of their monthly wage for monthly-paid employees and 15 daily wages for daily-paid employees.

Failure to disburse the Easter bonus on time incurs penalties for employers or their legal representatives. Following complaints from affected parties, the Labor Inspectorate or the relevant professional association of employees, offenders face imprisonment for up to 6 months and a financial penalty.

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