‘Digital detox’: Why You Should Take a Break from Social Media Over the Holidays

Research has shown that frequent use of technology has been linked to increased symptoms of attention deficit disorder, reduced emotional and social intelligence, technology addiction, social isolation, reduced brain development, and in some cases sleep disturbance

Social media have greatly helped our daily lives as they allow us to “connect” with our loved ones who are far away and keep in touch with them.

However, excessive exposure to social media can lead to burnout and unwanted consequences, as a result of which we end up needing a “digital detox”.

Too much technology – whether it’s time spent on smartphones, social media, or in front of other digital screens – can have undesirable consequences.

Research has shown that frequent use of technology has been linked to increased symptoms of attention deficit disorder, reduced emotional and social intelligence, technology addiction, social isolation, reduced brain development, and in some cases sleep disturbance.

You will realize that you have overdone it and that you might need a “digital detox” if technology impedes your work, your relationships, your mental and physical health, or your finances.

7 ways to do a “digital detox”

For most people, deleting technology from their lives is not likely to happen. However, a more realistic approach would be to reduce exposure to technology.

Identify your unhealthy habits and then decide which ones you want to change.

  1. Schedule some time away from screens throughout the day
  2. Take periodic breaks from technology
  3. Replace the smartphone with an old phone
  4. Turn off your phone at a specific time
  5. Adjust your phone settings to restrict certain apps
  6. Create phone-free areas (eg the bedroom)
  7. Consider seeing a mental health professional
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