Deputy Prison Warden Among 8 Arrested in Corruption Case

A police probe revealed that drugs, mobile phones, laundered money from criminal activity and luxury goods were trafficked at the Ioannina Prison

A total of eight individuals, including three correctional officers, were arrested this week as part of a Greek Police (EL.AS) internal affairs probe that uncovered widespread corruption at a prison near the northwest city of Ioannina.

Specifically, authorities charged that drugs, mobile phones, laundered money from criminal activity and luxury goods were trafficked into the lock-up for use by inmates.

One of the three corrections officers arrested is the penitentiary’s deputy warder, while the other arrests involve a police officer, two private citizens and two currently incarcerated inmates.

The mastermind of the entire operation was identified as an Albanian inmate with the nickname “Mondi”.

A lengthy indictment comprised of numerous felony counts has been drawn up, with the most serious charge being the establishment and running of a criminal organization.

Authorities on Tuesday, in fact, released audio tapes with the suspects purportedly discussing various criminal acts, but veiled in code words.

Meanwhile, one television station broadcast what it says is a birthday party – attended by ‘select’ inmates and corrections officers – held in the prison mess hall, complete with a cake with candles, liquor and cigarettes.

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