Deadline Extension for Declarations of Unkempt Land Plots

Over 189,500 declarations have been submitted in the last 4 days, according to a statement released by the Ministry

The Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection has extended the deadline for submitting declarations for the clearing of unkempt land plots on the digital platform, following a request submitted by the Hellenic Federation of Property Owners (POMIDA).

Over 189,500 declarations have been submitted in the last 4 days, according to a statement released by the Ministry. Specifically, as of July 18, 459,252 citizens had declared on the platform that they had cleared their plots.

The spike in the interest of citizens to declare their plots demonstrates a growing awareness about the importance of maintaining properties clean, the statement notes.

The Ministry highlights the sudden rise in interest pointing out the start of a new “culture of prevention” in the country. Additional funding has been provided to municipalities for the removal of dry vegetation from unkempt plots.

Following the extension, property owners located near or within forest areas must complete the necessary work—such as pruning trees and shrubs and removing flammable materials—and submit a compliance report per the Fire Protection Regulation by July 15. They must then declare this on the digital platform at

Declarations to declare land plots in Greece can be submitted either in writing or by email by the responsible professionals (engineers, surveyors, foresters, or agronomists) who prepare the reports on behalf of the property owners.

Municipalities will conduct on-site inspections to identify unkempt plots and will use the digital platform to verify if citizens have submitted cleaning declarations. They will then inform property owners of their obligation to carry out the necessary work.

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