Data Centers: Google and Microsoft ‘Vote’ Greece

According to AlphaBeta Economics, this project is anticipated to facilitate the creation of over 19,400 new job positions by 2030, underlining its significant impact on employment.

Following in the footsteps of Microsoft, Google is now moving forward with its plan to establish its own data centers in the greater Athens area by 2030. The move signifies an endorsement of Greece’s potential as a pivotal location in the digital infrastructure sector. The ongoing developments position the country as a central hub for the processing and storage of data within the broader Southeastern Europe region.

The advent of data centers provides Greece with a crucial advantage in the digital age, particularly as artificial intelligence becomes increasingly integrated into the daily lives of both citizens and businesses, making additional computational power and more resilient digital infrastructures an absolute necessity.

Google’s commitment to investment was disclosed in September 2022, outlining a three-year implementation plan. In practical terms, this indicates that the Google Cloud Region, comprising three data centers, is slated to become operational by 2025. This strategic move aligns with the growing demand for enhanced computational capabilities and robust digital frameworks, positioning the country at the forefront of the evolving digital landscape.

The establishment of the inaugural Google Cloud Region, offering advanced cloud computing services in the Athens area, is poised to generate thousands of new job opportunities. This development is projected to elevate the national GDP by approximately €2 billion by 2030, with the benefits of the investment permeating throughout the entire economic chain.
According to AlphaBeta Economics, this project is anticipated to facilitate the creation of over 19,400 new job positions by 2030, underlining its significant impact on employment.

These landmark investments by technology giants Microsoft and Google convey powerful messages to the international investment community, solidifying Greece’s transformation into a technological hotspot. It is noteworthy that Greece is leading the charge in the broader Southeastern Europe region by becoming the first to establish a Data Center region, encompassing a cluster of three cutting-edge data center facilities.

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