COVID-19: Surge in Fatalities – 93 Deaths

Hospital admissions this week have seen a 15% increase. Remarkably, only 2% of deaths since September were among vaccinated individuals.

In the latest weekly report from EODY (National Organization for Public Health), the number of Covid-19-related deaths has surged to 93, compared to the preceding week’s 57 fatalities. The coronavirus is experiencing a resurgence both across Europe and in Greece, prompting heightened alarm.

According to the latest data, the death toll has risen to 93, a stark increase from the 57 reported in the previous seven-day period. Infections are on the rise, and hospitalizations are surpassing levels seen in January of last year.

Of these cases, 37 patients required intubation, a figure that exceeds the average of the previous four weeks. A total of 78 patients were on ventilators as of January 7.
Hospital admissions this week have seen a 15% increase. Remarkably, only 2% of deaths since September were among vaccinated individuals.

According to officials society is now experiencing the side-effects of intense socializing during the festive season with the reopening of schools after the two-week Christmas break contributing to the further spreading in the community.

The significant importance of vaccination against COVID-19 was highlighted by Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis, in press conference on Jan.10 regarding the course of the coronavirus in an attempt to urge citizens, especially those in more vulnerable groups to be vaccinated.

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