Covid-19 cases have significantly spiked during peak summer season this year, compared to the same period in 2023.

According to the Hellenic National Public Health Organization (EODY), over the past four weeks hospital admissions reached 380, while during the same period last year, hospitalizations peaked at 198.

Experts attribute the new surge to the high transmissibility of the new FLiRT subvariants and the population’s waning immunity.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also highlighted a decrease in vaccination rates among healthcare workers and citizens over 60 years old, two of the highest-risk groups.

Increased summer mobility, due to travelling, international sporting events etc., also significantly contributes to the rise in cases.

Like in previous waves, the elderly and individuals with underlying health issues remain the most affected.

Scientists anticipate the current wave to last until the end of July, and another one to arrive in late August to early September.