Bad Weather Persists in Greece- Storms Expected in Athens

Temperatures mark a small increase, but rain and winds of 8 Beaufort prevail

The bad weather that has characterized Greece the past few days prevails again today, albeit with slightly higher temperatures, with rain and strong winds of up to 8 Beaufort in some areas and storms expected in Athens.

Temperatures in northern Greece will range from 0-17 degrees Celsius and scattered showers and local storms are forecasted, particularly in the west of Greece. Central Greece temperatures will come in from 9-21 degrees and on the islands around 15-22 degrees.

Meteorologists say there is a high likelihood for exceptionally strong weather in the east Aegean region, but also in the Cyclades island, Crete and Dodecanese islands.  The morning hours in the Aegean will likely see high winds, coming in from the west southwest at 8 Beaufort and easing off a bit to 5 to 7 later on.

This past weekend Greece experienced very low temperatures, snow in the north of the country and high winds throughout, which even contributed to the sinking of a ship off of the coast of Lesvos island.

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