Attica Residents Face Lengthy 40-Minute Average Commutes

Additionally, as GPO's research manager has stated approximately 15% of Attica residents spend more than an hour to reach their destination.

According to the results of a poll conducted by GPO, a research and consulting firm, for the radio station Parapolitika 90.1, regarding the traffic problem in the broader Athens and Piraeus area, residents spend on average about 40 minutes to reach their destination.

Additionally, as GPO’s research manager has stated approximately 15% of Attica residents spend more than an hour to reach their destination.

Exploring the transportation habits of individuals that took part in the survey, the poll reveals that the majority of respondents (41%) stated that they use public transportation and that 40.7% said they use private cars.

As for the participants’ demographics, it was observed that residents over 65 years old tend to use public transport more frequently (52%) than other age groups.

While the poll also showed that residents of Eastern Attica use private cars more often for their commutes (53.5%) compared to those residing in other parts of Attica.

When asked about their daily commute from home to their destination, whether by car or public transport, 35.6% of respondents reported spending up to 30 minutes.

Nearly 32% indicated their commute lasts up to an hour. Significantly, almost 15% of Attica residents revealed that their travel time exceeds an hour, with 10% commuting up to 1.5 hours and 4.8% up to 2 hours.

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