A 31-year-old man verbally attacked a woman with obscenities, on an Athens train station platform, and threatened her and others around her with a saw when they confronted him, according to reports at MEGA TV.

The 19-year-old woman was near the Athens Piraeus Electric Railway (ISAP) public train station in the downtown area of Perissos when a 31-year-old man began harassing her.

TO VIMA says the incident occurred on Sunday night and that the man approached various young women waiting on the train station platform and addressed them using vulgar language.

“I was returning from an outing with a friend at 10:20 p.m. I was taking the escalator up to the station. The perpetrator was there at the platform and he had  been watching me. When I headed toward the platform, he spoke to me in a vulgar manner,” the victim of the attack told MEGA.

The victim added, “I told him, ‘Don’t talk to me, I don’t know you,’ but he continued speaking to me. I ignored him and sat on the platform seats. He followed me, made obscene gestures, yelled at me, and kept talking vulgarly. He called a friend of his, saying he would wait for me at the next stop and do bad things to me.”  In the meantime, the young man took a photo of the girl in his phone.

The young woman tried to avoid the 31-year-old, while two other women at the platform came next to her to help her and demanded he ‘back off’ and also that he delete the photo he had taken on his phone.

At this point the young man pulled out a saw and threatened the young woman and the others who were helping defend her.

The victim told MEGA that “Instead of taking out his phone to delete the photo, he pulled out a saw and turned on me. I, along with everyone else, was scared. We ran to the platform to protect ourselves, and he ran away,” the victim said.

The 31-year-old fled, but shortly after, the Greekl police found and arrested him.

The MEGA report highlights that the man had committed similar attacks in the past and that there was a security guard at the scene of the incident, who remained passive and did not intervene.