Athens International Airport Project to Unfold in Three Phases

The inaugural phase, the "33MAP Master Plan," is slated to increase the airport's capacity from 26 to 33 million passengers annually.

Athens International Airport unveils an ambitious investment plan set to unfold in three strategic phases, which aims to accommodate 50 million passengers by 2045. The project demands an investment totaling 1.35 billion euros for the initial two phases alone.

The inaugural phase, the “33MAP Master Plan,” is slated to increase the airport’s capacity from 26 to 33 million passengers annually. Key enhancements include a major expansion of the main terminal building, construction of new aircraft parking stands and bus boarding gates, as well as an extended control hall featuring a revamped terminal facade.

Additionally, the plan encompasses the creation of supplementary baggage sorting and claim areas, along with retail spaces and office facilities. The project will see the development of a new VIP terminal station and an upgraded road traffic system, alongside the construction of a modern multi-storey parking facility. Construction for this phase is anticipated to kick off by late 2024, with completion expected by 2028.

Following the achievement of 29.70 million annual passengers, expected to occur within the next two years, or the surpassing of 31.35 million passengers annually, the second phase of the 40MAP eMaster Plan will commence. This stage aims to elevate the airport’s capacity to 40 million passengers yearly, through an array of expansions including the main terminal building, aircraft parking areas, passenger and retail spaces, and runway infrastructure.

Subsequent to either surpassing 36 million annual passengers, projected to occur within two years, or directly exceeding 38 million annual passengers, the third phase of the 50MAP Master Plan will be triggered. This final phase will involve the construction of a second terminal station, expansion of the new runway, addition of new taxiways and lanes, and the completion of essential ground access infrastructure.

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