Athens Fires – Areas Beneath Mt. Penteli Most Affected on Mon. Afternoon

Two fire-fighting vehicles burned during efforts to extinguish the flames near east Attica prefecture town of Neos Voutsas

Two fire brigade vehicles operating west of the Neos Voutsa township to the east of Athens proper were burned on Monday afternoon, as hundreds of fire-fighters, municipal crews and volunteers attempted to contain a veritable semi-circle of wildfires raging north and northeast of the Greek capital.
One fire-fighter inside one of the two vehicle was slightly injured, while another three were unaffected.
The three-prong front was most intense on the slopes of Mt. Penteli on Monday afternoon, reaching as far south as the leafy northern Athens district of Vrilissia, while flames briefly entered the perimeter of the Athens Observatory below Mt. Penteli, located on Koufou Hill, before being contained.

An undetermined number of residences and some businesses were severely damaged or completely burned, media reports stated. One primary school in the Nea Penteli district sustained significant damage.

Heavy smoke was evident over the Greek capital’s skies on Monday, reaching as far south as the Peloponnese.
Local and international media referred to the lightning speed of the wildfire front, which erupted in the extreme northeast part of Attica prefecture, near the small town of Varnava, on Sunday afternoon. Gusty winds subsequently fanned the flames throughout the night.
In the latest briefing on Monday afternoon, a fire brigade spokesman said fires continue rekindle and spread below Mt. Penteli and northeast Attica, aided by the still gusty winds, with the focus now on blazes at the Daou Penteli site, the Palea and Nea Penteli municipalities, the corridor between the east Attica towns of Marathon and Grammatiko, fire-ravaged Mt. Dionyos to the north of Mt. Penteli and the Patima site in the Vrilissia district. Conversely, the spread of the flames westward, reaching Afidnes on the main north-south highway axis, has been stopped and contained.

A massive force comprised of 702 fire-fighters, 27 separate forest fire-fighter units, municipal crews and volunteer are operating 199 types of vehicles, ranging from fire engines to earth-moving equipment. During the day, civil protection authorities said 35 water-dropping aircraft were employed.
The emergency 112 notification service has issued 30 cell phone message for residents in the greater Athens area in a 24-hour period.
Finally, all outside work has been prohibited for Tuesday in northeast Attica prefecture.

Assistance from Europe

Meanwhile, four European countries so far have announced their intent to send assistance to Greece via EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), namely, the Czech Republic, France, Italy and Romania, according to European Commission spokesman for issues related to crisis management, Balazs Ujvari.

Greece activated the UCPM mechanism on Sunday afternoon.

According to reports, a French Super Puma helicopter able to drop water is expected in the Athens area late Monday night or overnight on Tuesday.

Italy will send two fire-fighting aircraft (Canadairs); the Czech Republic is sending 75 fire-fighters and 25 fire engines, of which nine are water tankers, due to arrive on Tuesday, while Romania is dispatching a unit of fire-fighters.

An offer for assistance by Spain and Turkey is also on the table for consideration.

von der Leyen on X: We Stand With Greece

In a related development, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen expressed the EU’s solidarity for Greece on Monday, in the wake of the destructive Athens-area wildfires.

In a post on ‘X’, von der Leyen stated, “We stand with Greece as it battles devastating fires. The EU is sending support from its rescEU fleet: two planes from Italy and a helicopter from France. Firefighting teams from Czechia and Romania are also being deployed. This is EU solidarity in action.”

In a separate post on ‘X, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, in charge of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Janez Lenarcic also noted that the EU “is mobilising 2 planes from the rescEU fleet from Italy, one rescEU helicopter from France and ground firefighting teams from Romania and Czechia.”

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