Civil protection authorities in Greece on Monday announced that the port of Lavrio, in extreme southeast Attica prefecture, will replace the port of Rafina, further to the north along the south Evoikos Gulf, for ferry boat departures and arrivals to and from various Aegean islands, due to a raging wildfire front north and northeast of Athens proper. Rafina is the second biggest passenger port in the greater Athens-Piraeus area after the main port of Piraeus.

The rerouting is intended to ensure passengers’ safety and prevent any impeding of fire-fighting efforts in east and northeast Attica prefecture.

The wildfire front erupted on Sunday afternoon near the Varnavas township, northeast of Athens, and spread uncontrollably throughout the night.

Evacuation orders were issued for the Penteli Children’s Hospital, and the 414 Military Hospital before dawn on Monday, followed by emergency alerts from the 112 service to the surrounding communities.

In an ominous note, weather forecasts indicate that wind conditions will not be favorable for fire-fighting efforts, with strong gusts expected to reach 70–80 km/h.

To assist those displaced by the wildfires in Athens around the greater Athens region, the state authorities have launched a special platform for temporary accommodation, in cooperation with the Greek Chamber of Hotels.