Arrests on Cyprus for Sham Marriage Ring

Criminal gang allegedly arranged the bogus nuptials to gain residency papers for third country nationals and travel to other EU countries

Arrests on Cyprus for Sham Marriage Ring

Fifteen people were arrested on Cyprus, Latvia and Portugal over the recent period on charges related to what authorities said is a criminal ring that arranged sham weddings on the island republic with the intent of facilitating residency papers for third country nationals and their travel to other EU countries.

Authorities on Cyprus said some 133 such marriages are being scrutinized, involving women from Portugal and Latvia marrying men from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Thirteen of the individuals were arrested on Cyprus, with international arrest warrants issued for another two suspects.

The arrests came as a result of operation “Operational Task Force Limassol”, organized by Europol and led by Cypriot investigators, with the support of authorities in Latvia, Portugal and Eurojust.

Suspects face felony charges of money laundering, racketeering, facilitating the illegal entry of third country nationals onto Cypriot territory and forgery, among others.

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