Archbishop Ieronymos on Same-Sex Marriage & Other Issues

Regarding the proposed legislation on same-sex marriage and adoption by the government, Archbishop Ieronymos noted, "The Church has not yet taken an official stance on this issue

Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece addressed a range of pressing issues including same-sex marriage, adoption, new identities and more in an interview with ANT1 and “Good Morning Greece.”

Referring to the Church’s work, he stated, “I did not realize when 15 years passed. So much has happened,” adding, “There are things that went well, others that are stagnant, and some we haven’t yet achieved,” emphasizing, “actions need to be taken for the people.”

Regarding the proposed legislation on same-sex marriage and adoption by the government, Archbishop Ieronymos noted, “The Church has not yet taken an official stance on this issue. We believe in the freedom of individuals to live as they wish, but we will not allow a change in the composition of society,” emphasizing, “what rights will a child have who will have two fathers or two mothers.”

Addressing reactions from priests and Church members to the issuance of new Identity Cards, Archbishop Ieronymos said, “I have obtained a new ID card,” stressing, “even within the Church, there are groups with narrower minds, but whoever does not wish to be part of this large family can leave.”

Regarding elderly care, Archbishop Ieronymos emphasized, “We must take care of the elderly; this is a significant issue today. The elderly are our parents. We love them, and when we work, someone should take care of them.” He noted, “It is not the Church’s role to answer to everyone.”

On the matter of supporting the youth of our society, he suggested, “I will propose to the Synod the cooperation between the Church and the state to provide Church-owned lands to create facilities and accommodate young students based on family status criteria.”

Finally, he praised the visit of the Turkish President to Greece and his meeting with Kyriakos Mitsotakis. However, he emphasized, “I am not naive, and I fear there might be some other agenda from Turkey’s side, imposing something we do not want.”

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