Arachova: The Perpetrator Tortured Oliver 100 Meters from his Home

Despite witness testimonies, the identity of the perpetrator responsible for the Husky's abuse, as alleged by animal welfare organizations, remains undisclosed by the Greek police.

The ongoing saga of the torment and death of Oliver, which has shaken not only the local community of Arachova but the whole of Greece, continues. Despite witness testimonies, the identity of the perpetrator responsible for the Husky’s abuse, as alleged by animal welfare organizations, remains undisclosed by the Greek police.

As experts await the forensic analysis to shed light on the causes of the Husky’s death, reports indicate that a witness appeared before authorities for a second time, providing further details about the night the dog was tortured. This particular individual had reportedly visited the police station a few days prior and was summoned again to testify.

Animal welfare organizations have issued a 48-hour ultimatum for the perpetrator to come forward and reveal their actions. The man, as reported by MEGA, purportedly claimed to know the exact location, stating that everything occurred within a distance of less than 100 meters from Oliver’s residence.

Rumors circulate about the perpetrator’s identification – the ultimatum by animal welfare groups. Simultaneously, the representatives of these organizations claim to have identified the perpetrator.
According to Anthoula Anasoglou, a lawyer and spokesperson for animal welfare organizations, collected testimony points to an individual possibly involved in Oliver’s mistreatment. “We are all eagerly awaiting what led them to commit such an act and torment an innocent soul,” the lawyer said, while speaking to MEGA a few days ago.
“Everyone clearly says it was a human. We’ve said it from the beginning, and the veterinary report confirms it,” Anasoglou said.

Furthermore, they have given the perpetrator a 48-hour deadline to disclose their actions; otherwise, they threaten to unveil the perpetrator’s identity. They assert that this person holds significant influence and connections, also mentioning possessing video evidence distinct from the photos previously brought to public attention.

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