Arachova: Police Say ‘Oliver’ the Husky was Killed by Animals, Not a Human

Last week Greece was shocked by the assertion that 'Oliver' was sexually assaulted and died as a result of his wounds

The Homicide Directorate of the Greece Police has arrived at new conclusions over the alleged murder of a husky called ‘Oliver’ from the village of Arachova, and state that their more thorough investigation into the case leads them to believe that the dog was killed by a pack of animals.

Greece was shocked last week when the story broke that ‘Oliver’ had likely died from wounds related to a violent sexual assault.

As a result of the widespread media attention the incident drew, including an intervention by the Supreme Court of Greece, the case quickly became a priority and led to a high-profile investigation. The body of Oliver, buried for days, was even exhumed to be reexamined and reassessed.

According to reports at To Vima, Police have concluded Oliver was killed after being attacked by a pack of animals, which fatally injured him, as opposed to a sexual assault with a sharp object. Police reached this conclusion after collecting video footage from the area, interviewing the veterinarian who had initially examined Oliver, speaking with the pet’s owner, as well as reassessing the latest data from the dog’s post-exhumation autopsy.

They say that their theory is corroborated by additional testimonies gathered from residents of Arachova, who note that a pack of wild dogs was seen in the area where Oliver was killed. Moreover, after analyzing extensive video footage, police say that there was no suspicious movement observed, nor does it appear that the dog was taken by or left the area with anyone.

Since the initial reports came to light that the dog was sexually assaulted, animal rights and abuse in Greece have been thrust into the limelight, including the connections between animal abuse and the abuse of humans and minors, as well as persistent systemic gaps related to the protection of animals.

Additionally, in an effort to seek justice for Oliver and raise awareness of the issue, a social media campaign was launched by activists that called for the boycott of Arachova, Greece’s most high-end winter vacation destination, until the culprit of the violence was found.

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