A popular amusement park in the northern Greece region of Halkidiki, where a 19-year-old was injured on Monday from a poorly maintained ride and subsequently died, did not have an operating license, according to media reports. The amusement park death led Greek authorities to launch a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the tragic incident.

Expired Operating License

The amusement park has had a presence in Halkidiki for over 20 years, but according tothe local mayor’s statements to media, the company did not apply for an operating license in 2024.

The municipality of Kassandra, which is the local authority responsible for handling and inspecting businesses for operating licenses, was informed of the violation and was in the process of taking action against the park owners.

Mayor Anastasia Chalkia explained that they were informed that the park was set up and immediately took actions to fine the business, but due to shortages in staff at the municipality, had not yet completed the process.

A special investigator, appointed to examine the accident, told Star TV that not only did the park not have an operating lisence, the faulty ride that led to the teen’s death, called ‘crazy dance’, had not passed inspection in 2023.

About the Accident

According to MEGA TV, the incident at the outdoor amusement park set up at the coastal Pefkohori resort, in the Kassadra peninsula of Halkidiki prefecture.

The young man was on vacation with his family in the area and his mother and siblings were present during the fatal mishap.

He was immediately transported to a nearby health center but he succumbed to his injuries.

A report by ERT TV noted that the 19-year-old and his brother were on a ride called ‘Crazy Dance’ when his seat broke away, causing both brothers to fall.

The surviving sibling told ERT that the ride started off slowly but then started moving much faster. He felt his seat coming loose and told his brother, and at some point, he felt the entire back of the seat come off.

“In a split second I found myself lying on my back, my brother no longer next to me, and I am holding onto a metal bar. My brother was thrown from the seat. He wasn’t thrown far but with force, and he hit his head. I held on. All of this happened in front of my other brother and mother.”

Arrest Made

The 58-year-old owner of the business was arrested at the scene, while the 21-year-old operator of the ride turned himself in at a police precinct in the city of Kilkis on Tuesday morning. The latter reportedly told the surviving brother before the ride started that “I will make it go really fast.”

Both persons have since been released as authorities say more information is required to justify their detention.

Media reports on Tuesday morning have the mobile amusement park’s operating license for the specific site as expired.