Digital Fraud Team Lead by Greece Revealed 443 Compromised Online Merchants

Greek authorities lead a team that targets criminals behind online fraud schemes

Europol, law enforcement authorities led by their Greek counterparts managed to notify 443 online merchants, that their customers’ credit card or payment details had been compromised, local media reported Saturday.

The competent authorities from 17 countries and lead by Greece and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) managed to dismantle an online fraud scheme that had managed to steal online account details.

Participating authorities managed to also identify shops that were at a risk of digital fraud. It was not identified how many of the compromised websites where in Greece.

According to Europol these kind of attacks could go undetected for a long period of time resulting in the sale of credit card information on the dark web, while customers are unware that their payment details have been compromised until unauthorized transactions are carried out.

For example, the authority said that very low priced branded products on an e-shop could reveal a fraudulent act.

Europol added that if criminals manage to identify a loophole in a websites security system then hackers would be able to have access to payment details.

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