2024 Greek National Examinations: Deadline for Candidate Applications

The syllabus for the 2024 National Examinations has been published in the Government Gazette for subjects examined nationwide for admission to Tertiary Educational Institutions for third-year graduates of Day General High Schools and Evening General High Schools

Today, Friday (15/12), marks the closing date for submitting applications for the 2024 National Examinations for candidates from General and Vocational High Schools in Greece.
As emphasized in the Education, Religion, and Sports Ministry’s announcement, the current deadline is “exclusive, and after its passing, no applications will be accepted.”

According to the Ministry’s statement:
“All candidates wishing to participate in the 2024 National Examinations for General (GEL) and Vocational High Schools (EPAL) for admission to Higher Education must submit their application-declaration of candidacy at their respective schools.

The Ministry of Education, Religion, and Sports remind that the deadline for submitting these applications for this year ends today, Friday, 15-12-2023. It is highlighted no Application-Declaration will be accepted after this date. Candidates can find relevant circulars and corresponding templates on the official website of the Ministry of Education at www.minedu.gov.gr under the link ‘EXAMS,’ stated the announcement by the Ministry.

The syllabus for the 2024 National Examinations has been published in the Government Gazette for subjects examined nationwide for admission to Tertiary Educational Institutions for third-year graduates of Day General High Schools and Evening General High Schools.
The examination syllabus for the upcoming year for subjects examined nationwide for admission to Higher Education has been defined by the decision of Deputy Minister of Education, Religion, and Sports, Ms. Domna Michaelidou, under no. 82785/D2, published in the Government Gazette B 4768/27-7-2023.

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