Even party leader Stefanos Kasselakis’ party allies appeared somewhat cool over the prospect of a change in the party’s name
Kasselakis married Tyler McBeth in the US last year, with their exchange of vows in Greece set for this weekend - the most high-profile legally married same-sex couple in country
Latest chapter includes snap replacement of Parliamentary group head; expulsion of prominent MP and her subsequent attack on the leftist party's leader
Stefanos Kasselakis attempts to replace Parliament group head Socrates Famelos; latter refuses, calls for motion of censure, secret vote. Party meeting abruptly adjourned
Leftist party head 'throws down gauntlet' after 8 prominent members walk out of meeting in protest over his stance vis-a-vis 2 affiliated media outlets
Iliopoulos, who has stepped down, highlighted the importance of having the Greek Diaspora represented by one of their own, implicitly suggesting that SYRIZA’s elected president should play an active role in parliamentary affairs.
The latest in a series of antagonistic verbal confrontations by Polakis had him telling a minister's legal adviser that her 'crooked mouth' belied disrespect, disdain
Greek Justice Minister Giorgos Floridis also dismissed opposition criticism of a decision to prohibit the broadcast of trials over the Internet
Decision to terminate daily edition of party-affiliated newspaper, quip over 'black money' funding the main reasons for the rebuke
Centrist PASOK received 12.79% of the ballots coming in third, while populist right wing party Greek Solution (Elliniki Lysi) garnered 9.30%, bumping the Communist party of Greece (KKE) (9.25%) to 4th spot
Another seven political parties are forecast to elect MEPs in the next European Parliament
Seven parties are considered as exceeding the electoral threshold to send MEPs to Brussels
'It is a fair and moral to finally recognize a state of Palestine,' the leftist party leader said
Results of the opinion poll, conducted by the MRB firm, come less than a month before European Parliament elections are held
Ruling New Democracy (ND) party maintains a commanding lead in terms of voters' intention
The conservative party is ahead in voter estimation by over 15 points
Party leader Stefanos Kasselakis announced a decision to drop TV panelist and presenter Dimitris Papanotas from the European Parliament ballot after heightened reactions
Asked who they trust most for prime minister among the current political party leaders, respondents, by 40% answered “no one”.
New Democracy announced a list of MEP Candidates last week
Kasselakis, who turns 36 this month, arrived at a military camp outside the south-central Greece city of Thebes accompanied by family members, close associates and several television crews