A light yet satisfying salad featuring tender, oven-baked chicken, fresh greens, and a zesty mustard vinaigrette. Perfect for a wholesome meal!
Hundreds of children and teens die in the Mediterranean evert year. UNICEF calls on governments to prioritize safe migration pathways.
Many of these deaths occurred just in the last few months.
The American Hellenic Institute (AHI) called for a comprehensive approach, emphasizing the need for diplomatic engagement, respect for international law, and support for Cypriot rights in the pursuit of reunification.
Summer may be over, but Greece continues to break records in tourist arrivals, being well on its way to reaching its predicted quota of 35 million visitors, a 7% year-on-year increase, by the end of 2024. With its picturesque beaches, iconic landmarks, colorful cuisine and rich history, it is no surprise that the Mediterranean is […]
Climate change is now affecting the temperature of the water in the Mediterranean Sea which has increased by 1.5°C over the last 30 years.
Regarding the nationality of visitors, the United States holds first place
European Council President Charles Michel replies to question by To Vima in an interview to a selected group of media to mark the 20th anniversary of the 2004 enlargement
However, if the dry spell persists, later flowering faces decreasing soil moisture, reducing the likelihood of a good fruit set.
The Olympic Flame's sea transfer from Piraeus to Marseille bears significant symbolic weight, reflecting the deep historical ties between the two cities, dating back to their ancient Mediterranean influence
In 2023, Skopelos experienced a record-breaking year with a total of 169,216 arrivals, marking an increase of approximately 17% compared to the previous year.
A European Ombudsman inquiry into Frontex’s role in search and rescue operations has shown that the current rules leave the EU’s Border and Coast Guard Agency unable fully to fulfil its fundamental rights obligations and too reliant on Member States to act when boats carrying migrants are in distress. The inquiry was launched by Ombudsman […]
What is more, Greece is gearing up for price hikes, after the government's decision to introduce a new levy termed 'contribution for resilience to climate change'
Holding an olive branch in cloudy Brussels, the EUMED-9 nations join forces with a view to formulating a unified response to shared agricultural issues
The Mediterranean, and the Eastern Mediterranean in particular, has once again demonstrated its ability to surprise us—usually in a bad way, since it is currently in the throes of growing chaos