Vaggelio Soumeli's short film, "Phoebe," and Daphne Matziaraki's documentary, "The Battle for Laikipia," are part of the lineup for the 40th edition of the largest independent film festival in the US
Household consumption was bolstered due to increased employment, rising by 1.7% annually in the quarter ending in September, pushing unemployment down to 10%, a substantial improvement from 17% at the end of 2019
The updated process, effective January 1, 2024, ensures that the submission of inheritance tax declarations, with all necessary supporting documents, can be completed with just a few clicks, provided the taxpayer has gathered the required documentation
Supporting the strike action resolved at the 49th Congress of POE-OTA, ADEDDY has called for a nationwide work stoppage from 10:00 AM until the close of business on Thursday, December 14th
A staggering 16.7% of Greek citizens reported being unable to undergo medical examinations, while they also indicated inability to undergo medical examinations, with 28% stating they lived in poverty
Can you guess all 12?
This conversation marks a crucial step forward, as approximately 5% to 7% of the non-performing loans that were securitized in previous years have returned to regular repayments for at least a 2-year period
Unseasonal weather with high temperatures is expected until Thursday, as hot winds make their way east from the northern coasts of Africa to Greece
Evangelos Marinakis in 22nd place, up by 19 spots compared to last year's rankings.
Several Greek islands have been recognized by the European Commission's "30 renewable islands for 2030" initiative, including Tilos, Astypalea, Lesbos, Ikaria, Kastellorizo, and Psara
Delegates at the 'Capital Link Invest in Greece' annual conference in New York laid out the growing investment opportunities and the improved business climate in Greece after the country regained investment grade last month for the first time since the 2010 debt crisis.
Researchers chose to do a comparative study on identical twins to rule out the possibility of whether an individual's genes or their environment, including diet, had a greater impact on observed changes
Greece has successfully returned to the sights of significant foreign investors and investment funds, especially for a long-term placement, Vassilios Karamouzis, the general director National Bank’s (NBG) corporate and investment banking, emphasized over the weekend. Karamouzis spoke during a panel on “Large projects transforming Greece” at the 25th annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum […]
Former president wants more active government, upending GOP orthodoxy
The same deadline applies for those wishing to decommission their vehicle
Property prices in Greece are surging at the fastest rate in Europe, as real estate costs far exceed the budget of the average Greek household, according to Bloomberg’s analysis
Some from worst-affected communities say they remain committed to peaceful coexistence with Palestinians
The survey findings revealed that out of the 41,848 businesses with internet access, 25,020 (59.8%) use at least one of the social media platforms
It's worth noting that weather after New Year's is anticipated to become more winter-like, accompanied by a simultaneous drop in temperature
The 37-year-old owner of the trio of guard dogs was arrested on Monday morning. He was charged with negligent manslaughter