In 2025, Greece's general government debt is forecast to fall to 149.1% of GDP, with its nominal value at 361.4 billion euros
The most prominent spending increase affects pension rates, which will be raised by 2.2% to 2.5%, on average
The economy is expected to close this year with growth at around 2.2%, while for 2025, the target is slightly higher at 2.3% as outline in the medium-term fiscal plan.
A major issue of concern is how the Israel-Iran conflict will play out with pundits projecting a surge in oil prices.
The performance was almost double the target of 3.316 billion euros
Value Added Tax (VAT) revenues reached 5.876 billion euros, down by 16 million euros compared to the target.
This is up from a target of 2.133 billion euros over the same period last yeat, and compared to a primary surplus of 3.079 billion in the corresponding quarter last year
The analysis warns that higher inflation compared to key trading partners due to excessive wage increases would harm the country's international competitiveness
For the January-February 2024 period, state budget net revenues totaled 12.648 billion euros
The primary surplus on a modified cash basis amounted to 3.401 billion euros, compared to a target primary surplus of 1.981 billion euros
The gathering of world leaders will run from February 16-18 and covers a variety of topics that are considered to present the greatest threats to international security
€10.6 billion is earmarked in reallocations of funds
Net tax revenues including rebates recorded an increase of €337 million for the twelve months, exceeding the set targets. This rise was mainly attributed to the revenues in November but was offset by an increase in payments by the Public Investment Program by €362 million compared to the targets.
Consumers in Greece are paying nearly five times more for essential food items than shoppers in other European countries, according to the latest Eurostat figures. Despite the Greek government imposing hefty fines on price gouging and placing a profit ceiling on certain items, supermarket prices continue to rise unabated, with producers and wholesalers citing surging […]
Confronted by ever-rising living costs, many consumers have become “value hackers”, bargain hunters who employ new methods to make the most out of their income.
To rein in your spending, don’t shop for a version of yourself that doesn’t exist
Up from surplus target of 3.771 billion euros, and primary deficit of 1.091 billion euros reported over corresponding period in 2022.
Allegiant Air, known for its no-frills flights, unveils its upscale hotel on Florida’s Gulf Coast; will travelers bite?
BoG interim report forecasts 2.5% growth rate in 2024, 2025
The Mitsotakis government’s draft 2024 budget was ratified on Sunday evening during a e-roll call vote in Parliament, with 158 deputies – all from the ruling New Democracy (ND) party – voting in favor, compared to 142 against. Defense ministry expenditures were approved by 249 deputies in the 300-MP legislature. Debate extended over 66 hours, […]