Dealing with Blue Monday

Instead, there is the perception that it is a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, a form of depression that can emerge at various times within the year

The third Monday on the calendar of the New Year has been given the name Blue Monday; and today Jan. 15 is the most melancholic day of the year according to scientists.

A combination of factors including the passing of the festive season along with the new goals people have set for the forthcoming year-and the fear of not realizing these goals- are what spike a sense of depression and put us in a bad psychological mood.

During the years of the pandemic, Blue Monday was highly associated to the anxiety people felt constantly being confined in the limited boundaries of their home, trying to deal with the restrictions imposed upon them by governments.

The term Blue Monday was first mentioned in 2004 by the psychologist Dr. Cliff Arnall, who created a formula for the January blues. This occurred when he was asked by Sky Travel to promote the winter deals of the travel company.

The equation that “calculates” melancholy is as follows: [W + (D – d)] X TQ / M x Na
W = weather, D = debt, d = monthly salary, T = time since Christmas, Q = time since the failure of New Year’s resolutions, M = low motivational levels, Na = the sense of need for action

On the other hand, scientists consider the term baseless and arbitrary. Instead, there is the perception that it is a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, a form of depression that can emerge at various times within the year.

Dealing with the symptoms of SAD requires self-care and support. Communicating with loved ones, pampering yourself and setting doable goals will help you get through this Blue Monday!

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