New revelations in the wiretapping case in Greece show that at least 40 persons were simultaneously spied on by both the Greek National Intelligence Service (NIS) and the malicious spyware Predator.
The question that now needs to be answered is if there are persons who received information from both the NIS and Predator on these 40 persons.
Vassilis Lambropoulos, police editor of the newspaper “To Vima” and “Ta Nea” comments on the issue, saying that the discovery that there were dozens of common surveillance targets of the NIS and the illegal software effectively steers the course of the judicial investigation, which started a year and a half ago.
Lambropoulos notes that it will be critical to determine if and how state agencies coordinated with Predator.
Related to the case, the head of the Hellenic Authority for Communications Security and Privacy (ADAE) Christos Rammos spoke about the developments in the wiretapping scandal at the European Parliament last week and was critical of the Greek justice system stating that “it is unthinkable that the justice system that up until now has not…charged anyone as responsible for the spyware use…is the same justice that rushes to prosecute two members of the other side [ADAE] who just did their duty.”
The Presidents of key opposition parties in Greece, SYRIZA and PASOK, have both stressed the need for rule of law and transparency in the proceedings. The President of PASOK Nikos Androulakis filed a criminal complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court in Athens in the summer of 2022 that there was an attempt to infect his mobile phone with Predator spyware.